On the Day

Please arrive at the centre on time. We try to start promptly at 19:00 on weekdays, but weekend sessions can be a bit more relaxed, especially if you are down for the whole day.  AM sessions start at 10:00 and PM at 14:00. Each session lasts 2 hours and during this time you will meet your activity leader, learn what you need to know to take part, help prepare your craft. At the end of the activity you will be returned to the pier. Sessions usually end around 21:00  for evenings and 12:00 or 16:00 at weekends. These times are approximate since it can take anything between 20 to 45 minutes to get participants back to the centre and changed. We usually try to be all squared away by around 22:00 on evenings and 17:00 at weekends. 

Each session starts with a briefing from the Duty Manager, who will welcome you to the centre and explain how the session will operate. You will be shown to the changing rooms and invited to get changed. When ready the group should reassemble in the muster area where they will be issued with safety equipment and introduced to their activity leaders.

Each group should be accompanied by a leader who will stay on land and take responsibility for the group off water. Our volunteer staff will supervise the group during activities. Visiting leaders and parents are welcome to hang around the centre and are invited to make use of the leaders lounge upstairs and tea & coffee facilities in the kitchen.

Sailors will be split in to crews. They will then be taken down the pier and passed over to our safety boat drivers who will transport them to their dinghys.

Sailors will be shown the various parts of the boat and its rig. They can then help get the dinghy ready to sail. Once underway you will have the opportunity to sail in the area bounded by the bridge, the shipping lane and the pier.

At the end of the session sailors will be returned to the pier and may be asked to help transport sails or other equipment back to the centre.

Kayakers will be introduced to the Kayak team who will issue helmets and paddles and assign kayaks.

Kayakers wil be show how to hold and use their paddle, how to get in and out of a kayak and what to do in the event of a capsize.

Kayakers will then carry their kayaks to the waters edge, launch and paddle around the bay. There will be a number of exercises and games to build skills and confidence.

At the end of the session kayakers are asked to return their kayak to the centre and ensure all equipment is washed down and stowed

Rafters will be introduced to the Rafting team who will show the group where to find poles, ropes and barrels. 

If required the group will be shown the recommended way to build a raft and  what knots to use. But half the fun is in designing and building your own raft.

Once built rafters will be issued with buoyancy, wet suits, paddles and helmets. They will then carry the raft to the waters edge, launch it and paddle it around the bay. 

At the end of the session rafters will be asked to assist in dismantling their rafts and stowing equipment.

At the end of the session we understand that you may be cold and wet, and may want to get changed in to warm dry clothes. However our volunteer staff would appreciate your help in stowing away the equipment and ensuring wet suits, waterproofs and buoyancy are hung up to dry. If you get changed first, please ensure you come back to help with the equipment. This is a good time for parents and land based leaders to lend a hand, since our staff may also be cold and wet. 

Each group is asked to ensure they leave the changing rooms, showers and toilets in a clean and tidy state. Brushes, mops etc. are available to help with this. Please also ensure all kit  goes home with the group.