
Our season runs from 1st May to 29th September. Activity sessions are available most weekday evenings and weekends subject to tide conditions and dependant on weather.

All activity sessions cost £15 for 2 hours. Inc.  use of changing facilities and safety equipment. A gas BBQ is available for a small additional charge. (£10)


Paddle your own canoe around the bay.  You will learn the correct way to get in and out and be shown how to go in a straight line or circle. 

If weather permits you may be bale to paddle to the Forth Bridge and back or around the moorings.

Min 6, Max 12 per session.

Standup Paddle Boarding

Test your balance as you paddle a board around he bay. 

Participants count as kayaks.


One of our helms can take 3 crew in a Wayfarer dingy. You will be told about the various ropes and rigging. You will be able to balance the boat and work the sails, you may even get a chance to steer.

Those that have sailed before may wish to try out one of our single handed Topper or Pico dingy. These can be sailed on your own or with a crew. Our Longboats take 8 and are more suitable for longer journeys or the less adventurous.

Min 2, Max 2 per Singlehander, 3 per Wayfarer, 8 per Longboat.

Max 6 sailing craft per safety boat, Max 2 safety boats.


Build your own raft, launch it from the beach and paddle it around the bay. 

You will be shown how to lash the poles and barrels together to  make a sturdy seaworthy raft. Then you will have the opportunity to prove the seaworthiness of your construction by taking it out on the water. Great activity for two or three teams to compete against each other.  

Min 6, Max 16 per session, or 24 for team rafting. Rafting is not suitable for cubs or brownies

Waiting List

The day you want is already booked. Don't worry we operate a waiting list so you can get first refusal if a group cancels.

Email your requirements to using the subject line Waiting List and giving the date, activities and numbers you want

We will try our best to fit you in.

Normal Activity limits apply as above,

Our aim is to deliver your session in line with your requirements. However Longcraig reserves the right to alter activities offered to suit prevailing conditions at the time of your activity. See Terms and Conditions for details.